By Bela Madrid Bela Madrid: How were you first drawn to the punk scene? Jolie Ruin: I grew up in the 80s, there was a lot of punk bands that I was exposed to on MTV back then. I liked all kinds of music and I wasn’t really drawn to punk until I was probably about 12 years old. My older brother used to skateboard with cool punk boys that listened to the Misfits, Black Flag, the Descendents and he used to make mix tapes for me. So that’s pretty much how I got into punk rock! B: What ultimately drew you to riot grrrl? JR: The message– It empowered…
The Liza Colby Workout Playlist
Liza Colby of The Liza Colby Sound was kind enough to put together a workout so some day we might look as great as she does. This workout is a magazine exclusive so order your copy today! However, here is her intro to the workout along with her favorite workout playlist! From Liza: “First lemme say if I never had to workout I wouldn’t. I would love to live my Rock and Roll life on a strict burrito, burger, taco, pizza, Chinese food, sour patch kids, starburst, skittle, haribo gummy bear diet. I do not have that luxury. Vanity is a bitch. I’ll admit that being in a leotard a…
A Q&A with Daisy and Kate of Lung
Lung are taking their operatic, art rock, heavy, driving sound on tour, consisting of Kate Wakefield (electric cello/vocals) and Daisy Caplan (drums). Though this is their first extended tour as Lung (July-September), neither Daisy or Kate are new to making music. Daisy has been a member of several Louisville, KY and Cincinnati bands for over a decade, including Babe Rage (drums) and, the highly successful, Foxy Shazam (bass) and Kate has made a name for herself as a solo artist, looping layers of cello and vocals to great effect. They are on tour through September and have a full-length album coming out on November, 17th.
A Q&A with Kathy Valentine of the Go Go’s
Kathy Valentine is a musician and songwriter and former member of the hugely successful and influential band, The Go-Go’s. She was the principal writer of hits “Vacation” and “Can’t Stop the World” among others. She was not only a member of the first all female band to write and perform their own songs and top charts but she was shortly a member of British band Girlschool in England, started the first punk band in her hometown, Austin, TX, before moving to LA starting another band, The Textones eventually landing in The Go-Go’s, and she hasn’t stopped.
The Luv’d Ones are a Band to LUV
The story of most original ‘60s garage bands is that of languishing in at least relative obscurity during their original existence. It is not until music nerds, interested in the esoteric genre that is garage rock, collect, compile, and attempt to propagate these bands’ work from decades past that any attention is paid. Lenny Kaye’s Nuggets comp, the re-birth of the Sloths (through the auspices of Burger Records), and the now global consciousness of Death from Detroit are a few glorious notable instances of this bittersweet phenomenon.