How we attach ourselves to music is based on how we come across it, and who or where we are when we first hear it. For a long time I didn’t get Blondie. Awhile back I picked up a copy of Parallel Lines. For a few days it was the only record I wanted to hear. It was the right time and the right context. I’d like to take some time to share with Women In Rock why Blondie and this record are so important in the history of punk, women and my life as an audiophile. I started buying records around 3rd grade. I listened to the radio and…
The Women in Punk in Please Kill Me
When I picked up Please Kill Me by Legs McNeil and Gillian McCain I naively thought I would be writing an article about the female musicians included in the oral documentation of punk and those who were left out. It was pretty soon that I realized the issue wasn’t who they included and who they left out but how musicians and scenesters talked about women during the time, how women were portrayed and how most of the female quotes came from groupies. This was an eye opening revelation. Of course Legs McNeil and Gillian McCain are not to blame. They simply captured the quotes that tell the story of punk…
I was lucky enough to attend Riot Fest in Chicago this weekend and saw some extremely legendary Women in Rock as well as some newer acts! It was a three day music overload and I loved every minute of it… except for the nonstop rain on Sunday. Nonetheless, it was an amazing time. Here are some brief show reviews of the Women in Rock at Riot Fest! DAY 1: Joan Jett & the Blackhearts– Joan Jett played to an amazingly packed crowd of people. She still looks great and sounds great and is as enthusiatic as ever. The Blackhearts played all their hits including, “Cherry Bomb,” “Bad Reputation,” “I Love…
Best 10 Female Punk Songs 1970’s-1980’s
10. Joan Jett- “Bad Reputation”- Joan doesn’t give a damn about her reputation and neither should you. Born and bred a rock n’ roller this song defines her punk rock attitude toward life. After her commercial success she grew from a mere punk into the “Queen of Rock.” 9. Blondie- “One Way Or Another”- Although better known as new wave than punk, Blondie’s regular appearances at Max’s Kansas City and CBGB’s threw them into the emerging scene during the 70‘s. “One Way or Another” was included on Blondie’s best selling album “Parallel Lines” and has been used as a creepy break up anthem ever since. 8. The Runaways- “Cherry Bomb”-…