Women in Rock’s first magazine comes out August 16, 2016 and to celebrate there is a show in Cincinnati, Ohio at the Woodward Theater with Alice Bag, Leggy and Birdie Hearse. Here’s a teaser for you… below is an article from the upcoming release.
Compiled by: Women in Rock
On May 8, 2016, Roxie, Francis, Theresa and I gathered at my apartment to listen to the OutPunk compilation, There’s a Dyke in the Pit, released in 1992. What follows are segments of our conversation about the compilation. It is to be noted the my cats, Lux and Bowie, both thoroughly enjoyed the comp and hung out for the entire listening party.
This is the one of the first riot grrrl compilations ever released. We listened, thinking about what made this music feminist and queer, particularly “queer as meaning anything in a range of non-normative identities”(Theresa).
Track 1. “Suck My Left One” by Bikini Kill
“This is probably the most confrontational Bikini Kill song”(Izzi).
As the song builds into the last segment where Kathleen Hanna repeats “I’m Fine” Roxie noted the “rising tension turning into panic.”
“I see the ‘I’m fine’ as a resistance that’s going to be played again” (Theresa).
Track 2. “Manipulate” by Tribe 8
There is a hippie type singsong opening about “women’s love.” The following song is an immediate contradiction.
“It’s written from a man’s viewpoint of how they manipulate women” (Francis).
“The lyrics are so over the top they’re satirizing it” (Theresa).
“It came from the hardcore scene. They’re reacting against gender norms in the punk scene”- Francis.
Track 3. “Soiled Princess” by Lucy Stoners
Unfortunately, I couldn’t find this track online… However, the entire comp is on YouTube. “Soiled Princess” starts at 4:40 during this video.
This track reminded us vocally of Patti Smith.
“The is the most calm song on the comp, but the darkest” (Izzi).
“I think it gives a sense of claustrophobia and tension”(Francis).
“It is so open to interpretation… being forced into reaction with other people but also the fear of not being wanted anymore” (Roxie).
Track 4. “Dean Men Don’t Rape” by 7 Year Bitch
“Lyrically this has the most straightforward message, it’s the most direct yet has the most radio appeal” (Izzi).
“It’s the closest to a blues rock song” (Francis).
Reflecting on the riot grrrl era Francis commented on how upset riot grrrl music made punks when it arrived. “People would go to Bikini Kill shows just to yell at them” he said.
“The counterculture is not as counter-cultural as it thinks because it’s still full of misogyny, homophobia and the need to dominate. I’m struck how relevant this still is and how radical it still is” (Theresa).