TELL US ABOUT YOUR PETS!!!!! Featuring answers from Marie (Reformed Whores), Kerstin (Leggy), and Abby (Mr. Clit and the Pink Cigarettes).
A Big Announcement: Issue #1
We are beyond excited to announce that Women in Rock will be releasing our first print publication this August! Yes, you read that right, we are taking this to print!!! Our first issue will be celebrated with an event at the Woodward Theater featuring Alice Bag, Leggy and Birdie Hearse on August 16th!! Tickets are available here. We’d like to give you a sneak peek as to what will be in the first issue… An exclusive interview with Alice Bag, Screaming Females, Marcy Mays of Scrawl, Kid Congo Powers, a fun celebratory playlist, a review of a riot grrrl compilation, a book review and much more! We are giving away the magazine…
In The Know- February 2016
As a Valentine’s Day follow up, February’s In The Know answers: What do you watch out for when meeting a potential significant other at a show? Miss Alex White (guitarist and vocalist of White Mystery)- “The most important thing in looking for a potential date at a show is the person’s behavior. Are they dancing? Are they talking with friends? Or are they belligerently drunk and pushing people around in the moshpit? I love respectful people who know when to keep their hands to themselves and also know how to communicate that they are interested in getting to know one another.” Also, check out this link…
Top Cincinnati Women in Rock Moments for 2015
This year was really great for female musicians in Cincinnati, Ohio. It seems like the ratio of men/women musicians is finally starting to even out. Roxie and I compiled a list of our favorite and most exciting events that took place in Cincinnati featuring seriously talented Women in Rock. 1. The Comet in Northside designates an artist in residence each month to host weekly shows for the entire month. The role typically features new bands in Cincinnati and thrusts them into the spotlight among peers and enthusiasts alike. In 10 out of the 12 months this year, bands with females in them were chosen to be the venue’s artist in…
Local Ladies Inspiration Playlist: Part 1
The music scene in Cincinnati is abundant with talented female musicians. These woman are both inspired and inspiring. We asked as many as possible what songs have inspired them as musicians and why. Below is part one of the Local Ladies Playlist! Part 2 will be released on Friday, November 27th. Lillian Currens (Swim Team)- “Wild is the Wind” by Nina Simone “Growing up I listened to a lot of jazz and soul singers and constantly tried to emulate the way they sang because it felt so sad and real. I love Nina’s voice because it’s so beautiful, versatile and strong but still really unusual, a voice that you hear…
Shilpa Ray…The #1 Reason to go out on a Monday Night
When I first heard Shilpa Ray, I was the music director for UC’s student radio station, Bearcast. The perk of the position was getting new music sent to you daily. A lot of it was bad, a lot of it I was indifferent to, but sometimes a gem fell into my lap. Shilpa Ray was the best gem of my entire 3 year stint as music director. The CD that was sent to me on some rainy Monday was Shilpa Ray’s Teenage and Torture. I loved the cover, I decided to give it a listen. I was definitely not ready for what I heard. Rock and roll with melancholy and yet so…