The sexualization of women in James Bond movies can be pretty questionable but it’s hard to deny how many badass babes are a part of the Bond world. Whether they’re a Bond Girl or a villain, they’re always strong, witty and drop dead gorgeous. From 1995-2012, the Bond movies casted Judi Dench as M (Bond’s superior), the only female to be casted in this role who is both steadfast and wise and calls out James Bond in his misogynistic ways. And what would a Bond movie be without Miss Moneypenny, the lovestricken and kind secretary? Whether you love James Bond or hate him, we couldn’t do Issue 007 without dedicating…
Just before Thanksgiving, in some magnificent wrinkle in rock-legend timespace, these four smiled, a camera went click!, and The Best Instagram Picture Ever was created.
8 Sad Girl Songs for the Lonely Hearts Club
Let’s face it… Valentine’s Day can be a very, very dark day for some people. Especially those in the perpetual mindset of “love will tear us apart.” And hey, if you’re recently single or extremely lonely, you don’t want to see all of the lovey dovey heart-shaped bullshit crammed down your throat surrounding this special day. So here is your soundtrack for a good cry alone in your room. Drink some wine, be sad. “Virgin State of Mind” by K’s Choice– This song feels like a totally surreal dream. A great song for your wine drunk daydream remembering better days when you were once happy with a lover. Yuck.…
An Emotionally Broke Playlist for Those Tired of Winter
Well it’s that point in the winter where things have gotten worse instead of better. February is almost over and instead of warmer weather and hope for spring, we’ve gotten a tone of snow and colder temperatures. For those of you getting stir crazy and depressed, I have compiled a list of songs that may express how you’re feeling. 1. “Runs in the Family” by Amanda Palmer– For those of you with SAD or family inherited depression issues. Or perhaps you’ve spent too much time stuck inside with you relatives. Amanda Palmer always knows how to make you feel a little edgy. Watch the video here. And if you’re bored…
Song of the Week: “Because the Night” covered by Garbage and Screaming Females
It’s pretty damn hard to cover a Patti Smith song and do it well. Even harder to cover “Because the Night,” perhaps one of her most haunting and legendary songs, co-written with Bruce Springsteen. But it is another challenge entirely to do this while collaborating with another band. Garbage and Screaming Females teamed up this year for the ever popular record store day to make a limited 10-inch. Shirley Manson has always been an amazing Woman in Rock but this song definitely shows off Marissa Paternoster who is growing to be one of the strongest vocalists and guitarists around. Screaming Females have been a band for seven years and are from New…
10 Summer Bar Fight Songs
Let’s face it, the crazies come out in the summer. Bars are less crowded in the winter, then nice weather hits and BOOM, you’re surrounded by a bunch of dummies…. drunk dummies. Now, I’m definitely not advising for you to start a fight with anyone. However, here are 10 songs that you can rock out to while feeling angry. And maybe these will serve to be good jukebox selections to channel your anger in a positive way! 10. Bikini Kill “Suck My Left One“- Pretty sure you’re going to confuse some bros with this one. Bikini Kill will always be a classic choice to play loudly and angrily because Kathleen…
Song of the Week: “Automatic Systematic Habit” by Garbage
It’s been seven years since Garbage released their album “Bleed Like Me” and finally in May of this year, the band released Not Your Kind of People, their fifth studio album. Shirley Manson may be just about one of the coolest women in rock with her unbreakable attitude and unique fashion. The newest album opens with “Automatic Systematic Habit” which fully captures the iconic Garbage sound. It doesn’t sound like modern day alternative rock but it doesn’t sound outdated either. This band remains relevant even though their sound was truly born in the ’90s. This high powered rock song is an anthem for all…